environmental policies

DNP Group Policies

The DNP Group strives to safeguard environmental laws and regulations to facilitate the formation of a sustainable society in the context of our planet’s limited resources, recognizes the relationship of its business activities to the environment, and strives to reduce environmental impacts and promote biodiversity.

Environmental initiatives by DNP Fine Chemicals

The DNP Group Code of Conduct states, “We shall contribute to the creation of a sustainable society, so that we can pass on our planet and its abundant blessings to following generations.” Based on that commitment, the entire Group works to use resources effectively, prevent global warming, and protect the environment.
As a member of the DNP Group that develops and manufactures chemical products, we strive to contribute to our customers and to society by working to protect the global and regional environment, ensure safety throughout the product life cycle, and safeguard the health of employees and local residents.
In 2002, the Tokyo Plant and Kasaoka Plant earned certification under ISO 14001, an international standard on environment management systems, and we’ve worked on an organizational level to protect the environment and reduce environmental impacts. In 2019, we consolidated DNP Fine Chemicals Utsunomiya Co., Ltd. with our ISO 14001 system to strengthen our environmental structures. Going forward, we remain committed to developing environmentally responsible products, starting during the development stage, while conducting an ongoing program of activities in accordance with our Environmental Policy.

DNP Fine Chemicals Environmental Policy

Reflecting the DNP Group’s philosophy of “connecting individuals and society, and providing new value,” DNP Fine Chemicals Group’s Co., Ltd. contributes to the building of a sustainable society so that we can pass on a rich planet to the next generation.

DNP Fine Chemicals Co.,Ltd.
President and CEO: Makoto Sanpei

DNP Fine Chemicals Utsunomiya Co.,Ltd.
President and CEO: Hideaki Fujii